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Case Study: SFMTA

Improving the integrity of a transportation system wrought with controversy...

I spoke to a variety of stakeholders involved including MUNI operators, commuters, visitors, a transit authority consulting agency, SFMTA employee, and a SPUR representative.  With the SFMTA user audience being the entire general public, I enco…

I spoke to a variety of stakeholders involved including MUNI operators, commuters, visitors, a transit authority consulting agency, SFMTA employee, and a SPUR representative.  With the SFMTA user audience being the entire general public, I encountered many different opinions and user stories.

In addition, I wanted to look into some transportation agencies that were well regarded by the local community and were seemingly efficient in providing information to their users.  Some stand out cities were London, Paris, and Berlin.

In addition, I wanted to look into some transportation agencies that were well regarded by the local community and were seemingly efficient in providing information to their users.  Some stand out cities were London, Paris, and Berlin.

In addition, I wanted to look into some transportation agencies that were well regarded by the local community and were seemingly efficient in providing information to their users.  Some stand out cities were London, Paris, and Berlin.

Client: SFMTA 
(San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

The SFMTA provides a necessary service to it’s citizens, yet people are turned off by their confusing bus and rail schedule, persistent delays, and non-intuitive website and mobile app experience.  In this project, they were looking to strengthen brand integrity with the hopes of increasing off-peak ridership, being beneficial to the city's on-peak congestion issues.

In order to better understand this frustration,  I needed to identify the specific pain points during the user journey's, both in-person and virtually.  Only then could I hope to improve usage of the SFMTA online resources and foster brand trust.  

Muni is one of the oldest transit systems in the world, established in 1912, and also one of the greenest transit fleets.  It is part of San Francisco’s identity, yet due to sluggish service and accommodating to an ever-increasing city populati…

Muni is one of the oldest transit systems in the world, established in 1912, and also one of the greenest transit fleets.  It is part of San Francisco’s identity, yet due to sluggish service and accommodating to an ever-increasing city population, their reputation and brand integrity has been compromised.